Haylee is now one month old...cant believe it! Times is going by way too fast! She now weighs 8 and a half pounds and is 20 3/4 inches long. Outgrowing some of her clothes now :) She had a fun trip to Dubuque last weekend to spend time with her Aunt Meaghan and cousin Xander...Aunt Meaghan graduated from college! We were all so proud of her! Aunt Berly and Uncle Landon came backt his weekend so Haylee finally got to meet them! She is so attentive and loves to watch everything that is going on around her. She also likes wiggling and squirming and figuring out what her arms and legs can do. She "talks" constantly, even in her sleep; it is so adorable! I cant wait to spend every coming day with her, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me :)